Thursday, May 26, 2016

Controlling Motor Directional and On/Off power with Relay

Day 4
May 26th, 2016

To have further control of the motors we decided to integrate the CCW and CW JZC-11F Relay circuits into a Simulink diagram. We were successfully able to control the relays, with minimal issues, directly from the Arduino Mega 2560. The hard circuit was on a proto-board, where we used the power from that for the external loads.

Simulink Panel: The switches were linked to the respective constant values that would either release a 1 or 0 depending upon the action the user wanted. The outputs went to digital pins that would then turn a relay on or off performing the task it was designed to do.

Physical Hard Wiring of the circuit. The DC Motor is on the bottom between two knobs. We found that it was easiest to Turn the motor off then to switch directions.

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