Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Arduino Support Package for MATLAB 1

June 1st, 2nd - Day 7,8

The tutorial video linked here uses the Arduino Support Package for MatLAB, not the same as the SIMULINK support package. If the line of code --- a = arduino('comPort','UNO') --- is ran in the Command Window or a script you will be prompted to download the support package. When installing this package you will be prompted to select the download for example codes, do so, as they are useful.

This is the resulting command line after running the script shown in the editor. The first run will result in the 'Update' of the code on the board, this will run for half a minute or so. Once completed it will run the function as intended, printing the 'a =' statement.

MatLAB lacks the ability to write to an analog pin. The Arduino IDE
will be employed to use this feature of the board. 

1 comment:

  1. NOTE: You may also type in just 'arduino' into the command window to connect to the arduino if the arduino is genuine.
